NEW: Examining the socio-ecological contexts of sexually exploited victims.
This project received funding from NWO (VENI-grant, see: Veni-subsidie voor 16 Leidse wetenschappers - Universiteit Leiden). Using new, unique, and longitudinal data about young people in the Netherlands and innovative methods, I will build and validate victimization theory and develop practical intervention models. More info here.
Exploring the socio-ecological contexts of sexually exploited victims through anonymous reports in the Netherlands
In collaboration with the Centre against Child Trafficking and Human Trafficking. Read more here.
Risk profiles of sexually exploited victims before and during Covid
In collaboration with the Violence and Justice Research Laboratory at Northeastern University, Boston (Collaborators: Amy Farrell, Ph.D. & Matthew Kafafian)
NEW: Victim or offender: Examining Victim/Offender Experiences in the Context of Criminal Exploitation.
A project that will address how young people perceive their role in criminal exploitation cases and how does their identification as victims or offenders impact their life course? We will conduct interviews with young people, police, and prosecutors, and use unique quantitative data about the life course of young people five years after their identification as a victim or offender. HIRING: We are looking for a PhD-candidate for this project!
Examining the social context of juvenile human trafficking victims in Florida
In collaboration with the University of South Florida Trafficking in Persons - Risk to Resilience Lab (Collaborators: Joan A. Reid, Ph.D. & Michael Baglivio, Ph.D.)
Examining labor trafficking networks
In collaboration with the Violence and Justice Research Laboratory at Northeastern University, Boston (Collaborators: Shawn Bhimani, Ph.D.; Amy Farrell, Ph.D.; Kayse Maass, Ph.D.).
Data-Driven Approaches to Identifying Human Trafficking Victimizations - A guide for practice
This memo was prepared to guide local conversations with practitioners about the merits and pitfalls of data-driven approaches to identifying human trafficking/exploitation.
Examining the political framing of human trafficking in the Netherlands
A multi-year project that addresses the varying frames through which human trafficking is perceived and addressed in political debates. Are you a junior researcher or a masterstudent interested to collaborate, please reach out at
Street Networks of Illicit Massage Businesses
In collaboration with Toby Davies, Ph.D. (University College London)